About Us

2112 22nd Street

Sacramento, CA 95818

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Who Are the Friends of McClatchy Library?

We are people who love the Ella K. McClatchy Library. We are led by an elected Friends of the Ella K. McClatchy Library Board that meets quarterly. (Anyone can join our meetings.)

How Do You Join and Then What Do You Do?

  • Pay your yearly dues to support our activities and do nothing more, if that’s your choice.
  • If you want to volunteer, we would love your help at book sales, special events, programs and library events.

How Do the Friends Help McClatchy Library?  We . . .

  • Raise money to support library projects, programs and needs
  • Advocate for McClatchy Library
  • Help preserve our historic building
  • Offer a warm welcome and occasional gatherings to help unify the many patrons of our Branch


  • Sell used, donated books and small gifts and collectibles to raise money by:
  • managing the Sunroom Book Shop
  • screening donated books that have potential for sale on Amazon
  • staging special book and rummage sales throughout the year
  • creating and selling McClatchy Library commemorative items and our great T Shirts
  • Publish a quarterly newsletter to keep patrons informed of library activities
  • Maintain a Facebook page, www.facebook.com/EllaK.McClatchyFriends, where we post updates about McClatchy events and general library information
  • Maintain our website: www.ellamcclatchylibrary.com
  • Keep in touch with the library administration, the system-wide Friends of SPL, and the other library branch Friends groups to share ideas and keep information flowing
  • Provide refreshments at the annual November Open House and for various events


  • Coordinated and paid for historic renovation of the entire second floor
  • Supported, then paid for, the kiosk board on 22nd St. near the alley
  • Coordinated, edited, and published the book Memories of McClatchy Library, 2012
  • Built the brick patio and sponsored the mural on the patio
  • Raised funds for the lift to the second floor
  • Created a DVD detailing the history of the library
  • Acquired the historic McClatchy photographs now hanging along the staircase

AND 2014-2022 WE . . .

  • Bought new rugs for the Children’s Room and for Storytime held upstairs
  • Applied for and funded the historic plaque installed near the steps at front door
  • Hosted fantastic fundraising wine tasting/art auctions
  • Contribute $100 a month for Lucky Day books for our branch
  • Contribute amounts requested by Branch staff for programs and magazine subscriptions

            Sponsor the ice cream social to celebrate the finale of the Summer Reading Program

  • Applied for and received a matching System Friends grant to fund four art shows per year and their affiliated activities. This successful program ran from 2014-2019.
  • Contacted city staff to get larger library signs on 21st Street and on Broadway to alert newcomers to our location
  • Hosted a booth to advertise McClatchy Library and sold used books, Memories of McClatchy Library and T shirts at the Preservation Sacramento home tours in the Newton Booth area
  • Hosted an afternoon tea in 2012 for invited members of the Sacramento preservation community to show them the re-opened second floor Green Room and Community Room
  • Provided a water stop for the 2015 and 2016 Walk for Literacy

Most important: we are Friends! As former Board President Alice Levine says, “We’ve built and maintain the community that is the McClatchy Library, and we welcome those who want to have purposeful fun with us! Where else would I be talking to one friend who is shelving books, see another I haven’t seen for six months who has come to find a book, and walk home with another friend who came in to see the librarian about the newsletter? If I don’t see old friends, I usually make a new one.”


Join or Renew – Friends of the Sacramento Public Library (saclibfriends.org)

Or print and mail this form

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Since 1940